Boyacense Gastronomy
When my family and me were in Boyaca, we tried many meals, the following meals are typical food of Boyaca.

"Cocido Boyacense"
Boyaca is a agriculture land,the tubers are a typical plant of the región. This plate are made with broad bean or faba beans, ibias, cubios, chaguas, sabanera potato, with a sauce made of onion, tomato and garlic, all steamed. It’s delicious,it was my favorite.
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" Picada of Longaniza and Morcilla"

Creole potatoes,salt,water, vegetable oil, morcilla and longaniza, I am not a meat lover, but I think this meal is good,well it's rich.

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"Roasted Corn"
Roasted Corn with butter and a sauce made of parsley,garlick,lemon juice, salt and pepper. It's perfect to eat something rich and fast.
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"Potato soup with egg"
Water with potatoes,scallions and cilantro, a delicious breakfast.

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Water, Milk, Egg, Scallions and pieces of Bread. I don't know but it's simple,it's rich and different. In Boyaca everything's different and it's worth trying the common food but made in Boyaca.
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"Creole Hen"
Creole Hen cut in parts, potatoes and yucca.
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" Envueltos de Mazorca, Arepas y Almojabanas Boyacenses"
I am fond of bread, the wraps, the almojabanas, the oak bread and the honey bread are my passion, the wraps are the ones I recommend , they are delicious, Boyaca makes very good cheeses that complement these flours.
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" Ternera a la Llanera"

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